What we do
Allsorts After School Club is usually based outdoors every day for at least part of the sessions. The youngsters climb trees, build dens, and generally explore and play in the Enchanted Forest. We provide head torches so outdoor free play is enjoyed all year round!
Please ensure to bring your child to the Club dressed appropriately for ALL weathers!
The children's creative talents are developed through active role play - whether as heroes saving the world or characters in an enchanted wood!
When the children are indoors they still enjoy free-play which may be designing a new marble run or turning a piece of pipe into a horse. The play encourages their imagination, creative and problem-solving skills.
Children look forward to coming to Allsorts. New skills are learnt, new friends are made and it's fun being part of the Allsorts Club!
Allsorts is a great activity club providing quality childcare at an affordable price of £5.00 for the first hour and £4.00 per hour for any additional hours.
Dornoch Allsorts After School Club - Scottish Charity Number SC034176