Allsorts After-School Club would like to thank the following organisations for their help
The Edinburgh Sutherland Association, The Big Lottery, Highland Childcare Partnership, Highland 2007, Inspiring Scotland, MFR Cash for Kids, Awards for All, The Co-operative Membership Community Fund.
The Out of School Care Federation, Royal Dornoch Golf Club, The Dornoch Focus Group, St Finnbarr's Episcopal Church, The Eagle Hotel, Mitchells Chemists Ltd, The Dornoch Bookshop, The Meadows Nursing Home and MED Ltd
We are delighted to announce that Alexander Thomson & Son and Emac Engineering Ltd have sponsored the purchase of an Events Shelter. This will allow the children to play/have their snack outside protected from the sun and rain. The plan is to locate it next to the shed in the first instance - but it can then be moved wherever we want. The events shelter is chiefly for all-day sessions and will be stored during term time.
Dornoch Allsorts After School Club - Scottish Charity Number SC034176