

Please note that during this time whilst footfall through the building is still restricted, we have a minimal amount of information on display on the window of the canteen door.

Please see below for a list of the items that are ordinarily displayed on our noticeboard - click on the items to be directed to them

If there is something in particular that you are looking for but cannot find, please do not hesitate to contact us to let us know:

07900 24 74 54 (staff mobile) /  07871 945 513 or e-mail (Carla - Manager)


We are currently looking for demand for August 2024

We are looking to capture demand for the service from August. We appriciate some of you have already enquired for your children.

Current users, and those not currently using, if you could let us know if you require the service. If you could please get in touch with your child's/children's names, class(es), day(s) and times that are required.

Also if you are a current user of the service and no longer need the service in August could you please let us know.

If you could have this information to us by Monday 24th June we would very much appreciate it.


Allsorts Golden Rules 2021 - the children have shared their ideas about rules for the Club - a copy of these rules have been sent to parents and can also be found in our library on the website here


* Information about the designated Child Protection Officer

The designated Child Protection Officer is: Carla Gallon - details above. In their absence the depute is: Kim Tewnion - Chairperson of the Board (e-mail)


* Care Inspectorate Registration Certificate

* Latest Care Inspectorate Report

* Complaints Policy /

* Care Inspectorate Complaints Information

* Allsorts Handbook

* Health and Safety Law leaflet - what you need to know

* Insurance Certificate

* Fire Drill / Emergency Procedure

* List of Policies

* Aims and Objectives

* COVID-19 Policy

* COVID-19 Risk Assessment

* Infection Prevention and Control documentation

* Newsletters and programmes - available on Holiday Club pages and via social media platform on facebook (latest information provided)

* Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC) information - available on request

* Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) information - available on request

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